In the world of live events and experiences, creating memorable moments is what it’s all about.

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all approaches; we live in a world surrounded by choice and personalization, and we’ve learned to expect it. Today, it’s all about hyper-personalization. But what exactly does that mean?

Hyper-personalization goes beyond simply addressing attendees by name. It’s about understanding their preferences, anticipating their needs, and crafting experiences that resonate with them on a deep level. In essence, it’s about making each attendee feel like the event was tailored just for them.

Imagine attending a conference where everything from the invitation and registration process to the food options feels tailor-made for you. That’s the essence of hyper-personalization. It’s about leveraging data and technology to create bespoke experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Data seems to be the driving force behind personalization, and while essential, what’s even more important is communicating how we will use the data. As a society, we’re becoming more aware of Data Privacy Policies and looking at how our data is being used. The Events industry has the ability to lead from the front and simplify how we communicate data usage. Let’s be upfront, clear, and concise so users are comfortable with how we use their data and the benefits it has for them in personalization.

Imagine at the point of registration the first thing we communicate is how we’re going to use your data… ‘We collect your name, etc., and we use this data to personalize your event experience by XXXXX’.

By having permission to use data, we unlock the potential to create a personal connection from the start. We can leverage what we know about someone and integrate that into how we communicate as well as how we design the experience from the initial invitation through to check-in at the event, the experiences they interact with, the agenda they receive and post-communications.

And while there is a lot we can do to personalize experiences in our normal ways of planning, design, and execution, when you add AI to the mix, there’s a whole lot more!

AI isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’s probably a tool that most of us use daily and the power behind a lot of personalization that we’ve learned to expect. Have you ever wondered why Spotify is so good at predicting the songs you might want to listen to? Why Netflix is recommending (and now downloading) shows you might like? Why, when we interact with many apps, it feels so….effortless? Well, AI.

Using the information that we have given our consent to our service provider to use, they are using AI to learn about us as individuals and provide us with a personalized experience; we can do exactly that in events. Let’s think about it in its simplest form; you get invited to register for an event, and you’ve given permission to use your data, rather than complete a normal registration form a chat bot appears, ‘Hi Bob, are you going to be attending the event this year?’ and with a simple answer, in this case, let’s assume it’s a Yes, our chat bot will draw on the information we know about the person and guide them through a personalized registration process. These can be things like preferences, travel information based on their address, recommendations of other contacts with similar preferences, linking them in with people they work with, or are connected to on LinkedIn, making recommendations of the types of sessions they may enjoy, etc.

The whole process will feel efficient, personal and enjoyable, meaning we have created a strong connection.

And it doesn’t stop there; we can then use data, AI and technologies to personalize the actual event experience. For example, using a simple RFID trigger, content on screens could change as someone approaches it, displaying content that is going to be more appealing to the person viewing it; the options are endless. The action now is how we all embrace it and use it in event design and delivery.

Here are some top tips for consideration:

Data-driven Insights
Start by collecting data on your attendees. This could include their preferences, past interactions with your events, social media activity, and more. Analyze this data to gain insights into what makes each attendee tick.

Customized Content
Use the insights gathered to tailor the event content to suit different segments of your audience. This could involve offering specialized workshops, breakout sessions, or even personalized agendas based on individual interests.

Personal Touchpoints
Don’t underestimate the power of small gestures. From personalized welcome messages to hand-written notes, incorporating personal touches throughout the event can make attendees feel valued and appreciated.

In summary, in today’s world, hyper-personalization is the key to creating standout live events and experiences. By understanding your attendees’ preferences and leveraging technology to deliver customized interactions, you can elevate your event to new heights. Remember, it’s not just about delivering a message; it’s about creating meaningful connections that leave a lasting impact.

Alternatively, get the ball rolling on your next event by filling in the contact form here.

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